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3 Reasons Why People Are Going Crazy About This Coffee Machine
Anthony Lee - Jun 12 2024

1. You can bring it anywhere with you
GThe Nomaduo is a new espresso machine developed by Evergreen® that has taken the world by storm. Why? Because it has a built-in battery, as well as a brewing and a heating system, all in one device!
This enables you to brew coffee pretty much anywhere you want. All this in 1.8lbs / 800g - that’s right, the device is light and you won’t break your back by bringing it on your adventures.
It’s perfect for various reasons. If you often travel and are unable to get a good coffee, be it in gas stations on the road, or in hotels, it will be a lifesaver. Also, it’s great for outdoors activities. Recently, we went on a hike with it and having a fresh espresso done on top of a mountain with a beautiful view is like winning DOUBLE! Finally, the device can be paired with an optional stainless steel stand, so you can also use it to brew coffee at work if you do not have access to good coffee there, or even more simply, at home!

2. It’s compatible with both Nespresso® capsules and ground coffee
GThe machine has 2 adapters, one for coffee capsules, and one for ground coffee. This is for us a very big deal, because it gives you the option to choose between convenience or coffee intensity and sustainability.
As a reminder, coffee capsules are actually pretty bad for the environment. In 2023, around 80 billion disposable coffee pods ended up in landfills. The vast majority of them were not recycled. It’s a problem that needs to be addressed and we think the Nomaduo does it in a very smart way.
Indeed, the convenience of coffee pods is undeniable and there are moments when it’s just easier to use them. But the ability to use ground coffee comes with several advantages here:
- The coffee ground adapter capacity is 0.35oz/10g, vs 0.17oz/5g for a disposable capsule. It will definitely give you a stronger and more intense espresso shot than the one you can get from capsules.
- Ground coffee gives an unlimited range of flavours and potentially helps local roasters.
- Last but not least, it prevents the ecological disaster of using everyday disposable coffee capsules.
Finally, it's worth noting that in both cases, coffee ground or coffee pod, you will make considerable savings compared to buying very expensive Starbucks coffees (and you won't have to lose time to find the nearest Starbucks in the morning).

3. It’s got amazing features
hFirst of all, the device looks appealing and it will get people’s attention. It might even make some people jealous, especially your colleagues if you do not have decent coffee options at the office.
A full battery will enable you to brew 4-5 coffees from cold water, or 200 if you already have hot water available. Indeed, heating the water uses a big part of the battery capacity. That being said, unless you travel with a group of coffee-addicted people, this should be more than enough to enjoy your “coffees on the go”. The maximum capacity of the water tank is 80mL/2.7oz, so you can make either one lungo espresso or 2 ristrettos in one go.
We found that cleaning it is very easy, you just need to disassemble the different moving parts and then let them dry for a few hours.
Finally, It comes in 4 colors.
hWe love the Nomaduo because of its versatility and beautiful design. It’s basically a lightweight nespresso machine that you can bring anywhere you go, and with an ecological option. What can you ask more from it?
For us, it's the perfect Christmas gift to coffee lovers.
There is an ongoing Black Friday private sale and you can get a free protective case for the next 250 orders of a Nomaduo. To seize this opportunity please check the link below.
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